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Giving Thanks in Medical School
Pin-Chieh Chiang -- Since it's Thanksgiving time and all, I figured I could take this time to write about a few things I’m thankful for this year. It’s definitely turned out a whole lot different from what I planned for or expected. I know at the start of 2nd year, I was stressed out and almost wishing to be a 1st year again. Now with two block exams down, it doesn’t seem so bad, and so far 2nd year has been getting better.
So, besides all the usual stuff about thanks to family and friends, here are some things I’m grateful for in relation to medical school:
- My school’s faculty: I really appreciate how supportive my professors have been about my pregnancy. Everybody’s been nonjudgmental and concerned for my well-being. I especially have to thank the OMT faculty, who have been very accommodating about my requests for OB OMT treatments. I didn’t realize how much I would care about this, but it does mean a lot to me that this has neither increased nor decreased their expectations of me just because of my pregnancy.
- Curved grades and challenges: Curves pretty much ceased to exist during the first year of medical school. Then 2nd year started, and just to demonstrate how much harder classes are, the curves are back. I have to thank all my classmates who take the time to submit challenges to test questions. Just in Clinical Systems alone, my grade was bumped up 10 points, and it sure is nice to be in the passing range.
- Rotations exemption: My exemption request was accepted, so I am officially staying in the Bay Area for 3rd year rotations. This I am extremely grateful for, especially when not everyone was granted an exemption.
- Attendance not mandatory classes: Earlier on I wrote about whether I should continue to go to classes or try and study at home. This was during my first trimester of pregnancy when I was very fatigued. So far I’m still going to classes, but I appreciate the option and once and a while I still use it to sleep in on the mornings.
- Books online: I’ve been traveling a lot this school year. I went to Las Vegas for the AOA convention. LA for the USC vs Berkeley football game. I’m back in Las Vegas for Thanksgiving break. I was in Tahoe for my wedding. Even when I’m not traveling far, I’m traveling locally to my in-laws' place or to visit my own parents. Having books online, especially Harrison’s, has been a real saver on my back. I have to thank my school’s library for offering this service.
- Pregnancy: This has been a true blessing and I’m still taking it one day at a time.
I hope all of my fellow medical colleagues and readers also have a lot to be thankful for this Thanksgiving. If you would like to share your thanks, please do!
November 27, 2006 | Permalink
hi! i'm really happy you have so many reasons to be grateful for. i do too, i just haven't taken the time to think about it. thanks for reminding me. good luck with your baby. greetings from mexico
Posted by: Claudia Gonzalez | Nov 29, 2006 9:32:41 PM
Its great That you r thankful for all these things:) I am glad you are comfortable:))) You ll be a great mom, I am sure:)!
Posted by: medstudent | Dec 4, 2006 12:58:18 PM
There are a lot of challenges in life, and it would pretty much look like you're juggling a lot of stuff at the same time. It's good that you're thankful for all of these. Things happen for the good. As the medstudent who left a comment here said, you'll definitely be a great mom.
Posted by: Chelsea Leis | Aug 17, 2011 10:14:58 AM
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