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Glad We're Making this Journey Together!
Ali Tabatabaey -- There are many things I would like to write about these days, but they will all have to wait as I'm about to celebrate a special anniversary in my life, the birth of The Differential.
During my last turn around the sun, I have had the honor of being a member of the blogosphere, and I have to admit it has been a pleasure. Ever since the first post written under sheer stress, right up to this one which I write while gobbling up popcorn, blogging has changed my life in many ways. Looking back at this brilliant diary, I still laugh reading my first post and still cry while reading some of the others. But more importantly, I recognize the subtle yet substantial changes as I evolve from a wonder-stricken boy in a white coat into … I don't know … whatever I'm evolving into being!
The memories are great but the awesomeness doesn't end there. To me, The Differential is much more than just a memoir. It has helped me understand myself better. Reliving the events and how I responded to them has given me a unique chance to analyze my reactions and to discover things about myself that I would never have believed existed in me.
In addition, ever since writing for the Differential, I pay more attention to what goes on around me. As I pry for new topics, I note the slightest details. I see things that others (and probably myself a year ago) simply walked by. And this, I would say, is the real treat. It gives depth to everyday life and helps one escape the boredom of daily repetitions and savor every moment of being alive. When it comes to details, life has a new concept to offer you every second you're breathing.
Yet, without doubt, the comments are what really make blogging fantastic. What I have learned from the readers' comments here, I would have had to live a thousand years to experience myself. And if you add the many new friends I've made from around the world to this recipe, you can get a taste of what I'm talking about. It's like spreading your wings as wide as the equator.
OK, so let me see! It has added depth, length, and width to my life. Cool! I just evolved from a dot into a cube! … I guess I'm getting carried away again. So, I'll wrap it up right here and invite all you friends to join me in The Differential's birthday celebration. Cheers!
November 23, 2006 | Permalink
Cheers! How appropriate ur note today; Its Thanksgiving in the U.S. I understand how you value the blog completely... its a personal journal with the added dimension of 'comments;' indeed a cube and Not a square. Which leads me to my theories on two observations of the nation in which I live: #1) The Obesity epidemic has risen as the number of smokers has fallen... ;) coincidence? My theory is that its not. #2) With the increase in access to the internet and likewise number of bloggers- the business of psychologists& therapists has dwindled - there's a song to this effect... 'have a little help from my friends...' so yes, being heard and recieving feedback is necessary for a healthy psyche; so if not by way of family, friends, compatriates, then by those that are paid to do so.
And Ali_jaan realize this too, effects are left eventhough words may not; ie though u never had a chance 2 say anything to that unfortunate patient that miscarried, she perhaps knew by your repeated checks that you ment to say something - likewise, more people read ur blog (and think about ur stories) than those that leave comments... Some of us are just rendered speechless more easily. Best wishes 4 con't success in all that you do & to all on this forum! ! May we all be blessed to have something to Give Thanks for :D !
Posted by: Trying 2B Danesh Ju | Nov 23, 2006 9:58:12 PM
cheers!it's really amazing to have such oppprtunity to share your points of view with others and ofcourse encourage them too to pay more attentoin to events occur around them wich they may have just passed olong with no sense!
as a medical student I realy feel relax by reading these blogs and see just other students in other places have same thoughts,ideas,problems... as mine:-)
at last would you mind telling me about how you've attended in this blogosphere
Posted by: | Nov 28, 2006 3:05:09 AM
again nice wishes for u!I realy enjoy your writings
Posted by: negar | Nov 28, 2006 3:11:13 AM
I have learned just as much from reading your blogs as you have from reading the comments. The blogs here at the differential have given me a lot of food for thought, at times a good debate and at times a lot of tears and laughter. I look forward to hearing more from you. Take care Sarah
Posted by: saraiderin | Nov 29, 2006 12:06:24 PM
I wish my Farsi was better to say Happy Birthday!
Posted by: Alisha Moadab | Nov 29, 2006 6:22:43 PM
I read your blogs while having my coffee in the morning before class. I am a biochem student doing a pre-med core. It takes me 2 hours to get to class in traffic everyday and your blogs remind me why I am doing this to myself. Cheers!
Posted by: | Dec 1, 2006 8:05:32 AM
CONGRATS!! to you all. i'm very gratefull for this place, as i conects me with what's going on round the world in this profession that i love. every single issue is as important and interesting as the next or previous. I love it. Word by Word. I love The Diferential!!!!!!!! Cheers!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: Rocio | Dec 1, 2006 6:10:47 PM
Thanks for sharing
giving us snapshots of ure (medical) existence
Posted by: Ali | Dec 5, 2006 6:51:28 AM
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